Accessibility & Parking

In 2000 and 2001 Plymouth undertook an ambitious construction project as we added a narthex (gathering area), a new nursery, as well as spacious accessible restrooms and, most importantly, a lift!  This addition fulfilled a vision the congregation to welcome all.  While not mandated, Plymouth felt it was important that all God’s children may be fully accommodated in God’s house and made comfortably welcome to participate in every aspect of the church’s life.

Plymouth provides the following accessibility aids to help make our gatherings open and welcoming to all:

  • Large print bulletins (or electronic versions, by request),
  • Hearing aid units (also, our pastor has a good strong and clear voice, developed from growing up with five noisy siblings),
  • Handicap-accessible restrooms on the two main floors,
  • Space for wheelchairs among the regular pews, giving folks a more inclusive feeling during worship,
  • an elevator lift serves the entrance level, sanctuary and meeting space level, and basement (Fellowship Hall, nursery, and PEP pantry level).

We have limited handicap parking in our driveway  (behind the church, entered via Somers Avenue).  Street parking is available on Atwood Avenue and other neighborhood streets (note posted parking restrictions).